My sugar levels were around 26, when I had my dinner so done a correction, still didn't go down, so done another correction, still didn't go down. So changed my infusion set on my pump, still didn't go down...
Decided the best thing was to go to A& E, as I could be in DKA. Arrived at A & E, and it was so busy! So hubby checked me in, whilst waiting for the nurse, I kept going to the loo. I started to feel really unwell, just wanting to close my eyes and sleep, wanting to be sick, blurred eye sight, dizzy, banging headache and not really aware of what was going on around me. So hubby tested my sugar levels again and they had gone up. I told him to go and find a nurse, within 5 mins I was being assessed.
They wanted to get me on a drip asap, urine & blood sample. I couldn't stand long enough to walk through the ward, so had to be wheeled through in a wheelchair.
Luckily there were no signs of ketones in my urine, so I was put on fluids to try and bring down my levels. Within an hour or so, I think, they had come down to 15. I then asked the nurse, what else they were doing for me, she said they were just waiting for the Doctor to see me, to check my bloods. I explained that my sugar levels were now coming down and I can keep a close eye on them at home, and said I wanted to discharge myself. She agreed, signed the papers, we then went home.
At some point in the morning, I had a hypo, typical! Anyone thats diabetic, will know when you correct a high, its likely it will drop too low...
Woke up properly this morning and feel like I have been hit by a truck! Spent the day in bed resting and awaiting a delivery (thats a whole different story!)
Now I am awaiting my lovely hubby coming home from work, as he went into work late, as he was looking after me.
I feel a little better, but still exhausted. Hopefully a good nights sleep tonight, will help me out :-)
Diabetes sucks!!
What you feel like with high sugar levels! |