Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Being Positive is AMAZING!!!

Since my post yesterday, I decided that I want to do a positive post. But in order for my post to be positive, I had to have some positive that happened in my day!

After an upsetting morning yesterday, I spent the afternoon catching up on laundry, as it was nice and sunny :-) My husband also managed to finish work early, and he bought me some posh chocolates home. We had a couple each when he got home, I then started cooking dinner and he had another one and offered me one and I said "No thank you"!!!!!!!!!! WOW, I turned down a chocolate, because I didn't fancy one!!!!!!!
What a break through, this is amazing! I am amazing! I listened to my body and I didn't want any chocolate! We had a few more after dinner but there are PLENTY left!!! What a sense of achievement!! I am slowly beating the voice in my head that says, I must finish EVERYTHING in one go!
WOOOHOOOO!! I have the strength to do this :-)

We then spent most of the later afternoon/evening in the garden. I love being in the garden relaxing, it makes me smile!!

Here are some of the photos that I took last night that really did make me smile, laugh and fill my heart even more with LOVE!

Me & Milo!
One of my cats Smudge!

Me & Milo blowing everyone a kiss!
Me & Milo being silly!

Today I made the decision that I am going to try and make it a positive day! After my husband 'nagging' me to go out for a bike ride, as it always makes me feel happy! Thats what I done. I cycled to the local shops and picked up a few items. I then decided to cycle around the local lake, it was truly beautiful! Yes, there were lots of people about, but you know what? I told myself, I am worthy and I entitled to be happy. It wasn't easy at first but the more I cycled the more, I enjoyed myself. And yes I even cycled on the roads, where there are lots of people and cars!!!! I ROCK! I AM WORTHY! I AM POWERFUL! Here is a photo of the lake I cycled around...

Not a brilliant photo but it is beautiful!

Once I arrived home, Milo was trying to tell me it was his turn to go out! So we got ready and off we went! I had already decided that I was going to take him on the same route that I was going to take him on yesterday, before that horrid man hurled insults at me! So we went out, I held my head high and my back straight. I approached the roundabout, I could feel my heart racing, but I smiled and kept telling myself " You are strong a strong and beautiful lady!" 
And so it was :-)

Roundabout in question!

I then arrived home and was feeling very positive! So I decided to take a few snaps of myself, to make me smile even more :-)

Working the camera! HAHA!
Being silly!

I'm smiling because I have had such a happy day so far!| Oh yeah and I AM BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After a conference call last night (within the private group on facebook) I had a very A-HA moment! I realised that I am the only one that can change. I cannot change other people around me, and there cruel ways but I can change my way of dealing with these situations and I feel strong that I can, within time!

So for the time being, I am going to try and my hardest to focus on things and people that make me feel good about myself and make me smile!