Monday, 24 June 2013

Trying to beat Anxiety!

Since I lost my job beginning of May, I have realised the reasons why I walk my dog Milo on our little estate bit, rather then on busier roads. It is because I want to hide myself away, I don't want people to see 'me', I dont want them to see me and think what a fat ugly mess I am and also I don't want to have to stop and talk to people and they see me 'up close'.

I realised this as I was getting the dog and myself ready for his walk just now, so i said to myself that i needed to try the busier roads today, see how it makes me feel and I felt panicky, my heart was racing and I kept my head down to the floor.

Once home, I couldn't shut the front door fast enough. My heart was racing so fast, sweaty 
palms and felt an intense amount of panic within.

There was another incident last week when I was out cycling on my new bike. I passed a lady, walking her dog, she was a total stranger to me. As I cycled past her she called out to me " Good way to lose the fat", I laughed through shock and amazement that someone could be so cruel and then I called back to her "Cheeky bitchy". Inside I was sobbing, sobbing my heart out. 

It makes me sad to think I hide myself away from the outside world, as I'm frightened of the next comment. I feel my safest when I am with my husband. How do I get more confident, about going out by myself?

I am a good person, worthy of contact with others, aren't I?

How do I learn to love myself, when I am faced with these comments from others? 

I have taken the first step, so I can only see what tomorrow brings...