Friday, 28 June 2013

Slowly getting there :-)

I want to start off with saying how pleased I am that me and my sister-in-law had an open discussion last night, into how we felt about things that had happened in the past between us. We have always had a fiery relationship. I think we were both guilty of not really explaining ourselves properly and reading too much into things and being insensitive to the others feelings. I think not speaking for the last few months has been a good thing, a good thing in the respect that it has given us both time to think about things. But I think we have turned a corner and hope that we manage to be more open with each other from now on :-)

All in all, today has been a good day so far. No anxiety creeping in. No upset. Just finding myself tired. After hubby had left for work, I slept for an extra two and half hours. Feeling more refreshed :-)

Managed to walk Milo in between rain showers as well, which is good. Milo doesn't like rain, he is very pampered and will refuse point blank to walk in the rain! My husbands nanna always jokes with us that we must buy him a 'doggy umbrella', which reminds me I must see if there is such a thing! hee hee! If we try and take him out in the rain, he would just stand there and dig his claws into the ground and refuse to move. But Im happy that we both managed to get out, even if it was only for a short time.

Also had a lovely catch up over the phone with my beautiful best friend! Its crazy we only saw each other 6 days ago, but we miss each others company. We get on so well. We both get that the other person has things going in their own lives at times, but we know we are always there for each other! We can count on each other if the other needed it! Its amazing to know I have someone like that around me, other then my husband :-)

When I woke up from my snooze this morning, I realised that I was hungry. Actually 'hungry' not just eating through boredom or my feelings! Its a lovely moment to feel hunger, it really is! I can honestly say that today I have questioned myself with regards to food, with these following questions...
 *Am I actually hungry? Will this satisfy me? Will this fill me up, until my next meal? Am I eating this through boredom? Am I trying to eat away my emotions?*
I tuned into what my body was telling me at the time, and I went with it. I am sat here feeling satisfied with myself that I have listened to myself today and showed myself love and gratitude. I have treated my body with respect today, the respect that is needed to be at one with myself.

I am slowly learning on this journey of mine, that being open is a good thing! Also that there is nothing to be ashamed about. I don't have to 'pretend' I'm ok anymore and plaster on a smile, when I am not happy! Things are slowly getting good again and I couldn't be more pleased, because deep down I know all of that is down to me :-)

Today is going to carry on being a positive day because it can be and will be!

Mucho love to all xxx